185/365 – Beach Day

This time last week…

Fooled you there didn’t I? Did you think I was going to fill your minds with more of my holiday antics? If you did and you’re now feeling somewhat deflated then please accept my apologies. I don’t want to ramble on about ‘the week that was‘ for ever and ever, despite it being an extremely good one. Saying that though, today’s picture is another of my holiday images, but enough about that for now.

I definitely think we picked the best week to go away; whilst we did have some rain and it wasn’t as sunny as recent years, we did manage to stay mainly dry and even got to wear our shorts on a couple of occasions and venture into the outdoor pool, which, thankfully was heated. I doubt any of us would have braved it if it wasn’t. Since I’ve been back the weather has done nothing but rain and I’m starting to wonder if we are ever going to get a summer at all!

Anyway, a day off today and I used it to try and chase up my CV at a recruitment agency. I’m not going to moan about them because I don’t know if they may ever see this, but hopefully, fingers crossed, now that I’ve spoken to a real person, it could be a case of fourth time lucky. I’m also staring at 60 maths papers which are waiting for me to mark, so I really should get on to that as they need to go back into school tomorrow. Red pens at the ready – or green or whatever colour you fancy really.

Back to today’s image then, and like I said, it’s another from my holiday. Considering we were by the beach, we didn’t really spend a lot of time on it. The main reason being that the beach by us was covered in seaweed and the tide always seemed to be in whenever we ventured out. This beach picture is from Torquay when we begin our exploring on day one. I think this was the most we saw of the beach the whole time we were there, apart from my late night stroll last Wednesday where I kind of got myself cut off by the tide – but that’s another story, one that really isn’t quite as hilarious/scary/funny as it might first sound.

“The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.”
Jacques Cousteau

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