105/365 – The end of a long 7 days

Today’s picture actually really has nothing to do with the events of the day, other than the fact I went in search of some random things to photograph.

This spring forms part of a garden swing chair which actually makes me feel a little sick when you rock back and forth on it! I did think it may look nice as a black and white image, but then the green actually contrasts well against the silver of the metal.

A nice relaxing day in all, stayed in bed till lunchtime watching Sunday Brunch – it’s kind of my new Sunday morning ritual. That was followed by The Big Bang Theory whilst I was getting ready to go out with the family to a Christening reception. I have a feeling this post is quite similar to last Sunday’s? Oh well, it must be that I’m so predictable. I’ll have to make sure I don’t write about my lazy Sunday mornings in front of the TV again next week!

To be honest, I think I’ve deserved my Sunday chill this week, it’s been one hell of a strange 7 days. This time last week I was still waiting to hear whether I’d been successful with my Npower job application – the waiting for that carried on until Tuesday afternoon when I was finally put out of my misery. Sadly, that misery then turned into disappointment when I was told I hadn’t got it. Wednesday was pretty much the same, constantly thinking about how I failed on one tiny part of the interview process, but by the afternoon I was feeling almost back to my normal self again as I headed into work for the evening.

Whilst at work I had a phonecall inviting me to an interview on Thursday, so for the rest of the evening I was stressed again. Thursday was also a weird one as I went to my interview, only really to discover it wasn’t really an interview but a ‘chat’. An evening of decision making commenced then as once I had discovered the wage, the job didn’t sound quite so tempting. That was made worse when I was actually offered the job! I know, you’d think I would’ve been over the moon but the money just wasn’t right. Friday morning I declined the job offer.

That folks is pretty much my week in a nutshell so if you’ve missed any posts from the last 7 days and don’t want to go back to read them all (although I’d like you to), you’re now up to speed. Lets hope this week is slightly less stressful!

“Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week”
Joseph Addison

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